Important to know
The circulatory system has the main function of transporting oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, removing carbon dioxide and toxins; it also transports hormones, components of the immune system and elements of blood clotting. An efficient circulatory system is therefore essential for the health of the body.

Several factors can affect its efficiency, in particular eating habits and sedentariness; ageing is of course another factor that contributes to reducing vascular efficiency.

When the first signs of a possible change in vascular balance appear, such as water retention in the lower limbs, the appearance of varicose veins, capillary fragility, high or low blood pressure, it is important to intervene not only medically but also nutritionally, through a balanced diet rich in micronutrients capable of fulfilling a protective and preventive function of the integrity of the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries.

Syform products can be found in pharmacies, parapharmacy, specialist shops and also online.

Recommended main supplements

Active               Take 1 tablet, 2 times daily before meals

Rosa C             Take 1 tablet daily with breakfast